Royal Melbourne Show
20-30 September, 2001 The Garryowen Perpetual Trophy
for Best Equestrienne Turnout
Friday 21st. September, 2001 - Page15 by Berni Saunders
Miss Alex Hibbard who rode
Yet Again, here with the
Costume judge
Kerrie Delaney
Steve Peters leads Yet Again
up to the 'mounting block'
for Alex Hibbard
following the judging of the
Costume and Saddlery.
Alex Hibbard and Yet again
as she pesents to the
Riding Judge
Leanne Bordin from NSW.
Yet Again &Alex Hibbard
performed well.
Mrs. Samantha J Fraser
who rode
Louis Vuitton
Is here with the
Costume Judge
Kerrie Delaney.
Pam Davey makes her very
thorough inspection
of the saddlery
on Louis Vuitton.
Mrs. Samantha J Fraser
on the very nicely marked
Louis Vuitton
before the Conformation
Judge Jean Purcell.