Eventing News
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Equitana Asia Pacific 2001
sprayfarm400.jpg (7436 bytes)
logo204.gif (6260 bytes) The Audi Spray Farm Spring Festival
CIC *** International Horse Trials
Victoria's finest food & Wine festival
combined with world class equestrian sport ...

Nov. 30th to Dec. 2nd. 2001
CIC *** Presentations & Personalities - Page 3

This year's Spray Farm CIC *** International Horse Trials were run as part of Equitana Asia Pacific.  Definitive Events who stage Equitana here in Australia, really got behind this - the last competition of a fabulous two weeks for all horse lovers.  Equitana is a huge undertaking and Daryl Herbert, the Chief Executive of Definitive Events and his team, are to be congratulated on a great effort.

Spray Farm was bigger and better this year for the involvement and publicity that Equitana gave.  I know quite a few people who bought a gold pass to Equitana and came down to Spray Farm as an extension to their interest in Equitana. 

It is a great innovation to conduct this competition along side a wine and food festival - it must make it a truly family outing when everyone can enjoy something,  I can sympathise with 'horse nuts' who have other less than interested members of their family to consider - for some a whole weekend watching horses is not bliss (can you imagine this?) - Spray Farm is the ideal compromise.

On the next couple of pages I have featured some of the personalities of the event.

phelenchristie.jpg (28547 bytes) Helen Christie from New Zealand was the President of the Ground Jury.

She did a great job.

psusiehoevenaars1.jpg (9502 bytes) Susie Hoevenaars (Vic) was also a member of the Ground Jury.

Susie works tirelessly for dressage, and is the National Chair of Dressage Selectors.

pdebmcnicol1.jpg (12005 bytes) Deborah McNicol is the National Chairperson of the EFA Dressage Sub-Committee.

Today she officiated on the Ground Jury.

padriennesmith.jpg (8399 bytes) Adrienne Smith from Definitive Events, who stood in for Daryl Herbert who was the President of this event.

Adrienne has had a 'mad' six months with the final arrangements for Equitana Asia Pacific.

prusswithers.jpg (6259 bytes) Russ Withers - very knowledable and very dedicated when it comes to equestrian sport.

Our Australian Olympians gratefully acknowledge his support and assistance in getting out riders to the 'games'.

pfrazer.jpg (7395 bytes) Fraser Byrne from Definitive Events - his team worked very hard to make this competition the huge success that we all enjoyed - great effort guys!
psamanthathompson.jpg (7886 bytes) Samantha Thompson who is a Conference Director for Definiive Events.  Lucky Sam ... she works with Equitana and Australian Music Week.
pannewilley.jpg (5142 bytes) Anne Willey from Victorian Lifestyle Property Magazine - a new publication aimed at lifestyle and rural interests.

Nice to meet you Anne.

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