Grand Prix - Wed. 11 & Thur. 12 September 2002
Grand Prix Special Friday 13th September.
Grand Prix Kür - Sunday 15th September 2002
by Berni Saunders Report - Page 2
309 - Micheline Ivette Schulze and Frape from Belgium would not be pleased to be the first
horse featured in my report as it is in reverse order. The breeding of this strongly
built bay was not mentioned, but his work was marred with a tight neck which spoilt the
flow and beauty of the test. Frape became distracted in the 'schaukel' (rein back,
walk forward, rein back and forward sequence) which required the utmost in harmony and
attention to do well and the test went down from there. The 2 time changes were
correct in the sequence but very tight in the neck. The one had mistakes and were
swinging. It was the the number of errors and faults in the horse's way of going
that lost them the marks 54.20% would have no doubt been well below their best and of
course a great disappointment. 65th place.
324 - Elisabeth Ehrnrooth and Angard for Finland. Angard is a lovely type - an 11 yo
Hanoverian by Archipel from State Premium mare Gelinotte. This horse has the quality
of paces and potential to do much better but they lost many marks due to the very naughty
piaffe - he just did not want to do it. I felt that Elisabeth was fortunate that she
contained the resistance as one more time and he would have been eliminated. When
Angard did the work it was gorgeous and the two times changes were positively sensational.
He lost balance in the canter pirouettes and his final well behaved piaffe allowed
us to see his great talent. 59.72% and 64th place.
350 Daniel de Carva Pinto on Weldon Surprise from Portugal, had their ride at an ideal
time - just after the siesta break on the second day - Thursday. This gorgeous horse
another Hanovarian - by the well respected sire Wenzel from the mare Goldika. He is
owned by Daniel. The horse did not always look regular in the trot work and this was
particularly apparent in the trot work. The canter work was more pleasant as it
flowed better. At this level irregular moments will be costly and 60.32% is not
enough to keep up with the best in the world. 63rd. placing.
341 Kuranojo Saito and He Man from Japan took part in the competition on Wednesday morning
and the worked showed tenseness and the horse was hollow. The canter changes were a
little free which affected the horse's balance. The horse was not correctly on the
aids in some of the Piaffe/Passage sequences and this allowed the hollowness to spoil the
work. 60.60% gave them = 61st placing.
353 for Russia was Targim ridden by Innessa Poturaeva. This 13 gelding is by Elgit
from Liffersha. His is a lovely big imposing type but for much of the test he was
not in front of the rider's leg. The canter had a great uphill quality but the
changes had errors in both sequences and the canter pirouettes also had mistakes.
You need to have foot perfect work and some good luck at this level - so the mistakes were
costly 60.60% for =61st place.