As 10 am on the first morning of competition drew near, the stands at the
magnificent newly constructed arena at Chapin in Spain started to fill, as did the media
room. There were 1000 accredited media representatives from all around the world.
Hundreds of photographers and people with notebooks, all gathered to see the best
dressage horses in the world go 'head to head' in the battle for the world championship
crown. With Anky and Isabell out of the race due to the retirement of two of the
best dressage horses we have ever seen - Gigolo and Bonfire, the way was clear for the
emerging champions such as Farbenfroh and Rusty to make their mark in history. I do not think anyone was really expecting to see the dominant
countries, Germany and The Netherlands challenged - but the bold new faces of the sport -
the USA, certainly made their mark in the most impressive fashion with four outstanding
performances, in particular the fantastic mare Brentina and 'picture book handsome'
stallion Relevant by the German stallion Rubenstein who his sadly deceased. All
credit must go to the strategies of their coach - former German champion, Klaus
Balkenhol. Klaus rose to international stardom when he rode his sensitive and
talented chestnut Goldstern, to many international success. He is now enjoying
great acclaim as a wonderful trainer and motivate. He has worked magic with his team
... they are the toast of Jerez!
My report will feature all 65 horses in the Grand
Prix competition in descending order of their final placing.
The 25 horses that made it through to the Special and then
the 15 finalists that took part in the Kur will also be featured in this report along with
my ideas about their performance in each phase.
It was a wonderful four days of Dressage and I hope that I
can help you to share the special moments as well as understand the judges reasoning
behind the marks that were awarded.
On this page, I have listed the combinations in starting
order and the page where their pictures and report will be found. I hope that you
will enjoy my recollections from this great competition. |