Grand Prix - Wed. 11 & Thur. 12 September 2002
Grand Prix Special Friday 13th September.
Grand Prix Kür - Sunday 15th September 2002
by Berni Saunders Report - Page 10
The top 25 combinations go through to the Grand Prix Special
and I will cover this performance as well as the Grand Prix.
Number 311 Shannon Dueck riding her own lovely 10yo Dutch bred bay Korona.
This horse has a very good rhythm in Piaffe, but it was spoiled as he often cam a
little above the bit - this can be seen in the picture right. As there is a good
deal of Piaffe in this test it was costly. They gained 67.56% which had them in 23rd
place after the Grand Prix.
Special: It
was a similar test, but the judges were less forgiving of the faults in the horse's frame
- they scored 59.60% and finished on 25th placing overall. In a World Championship
competition this is a great effort.
Number 362 - Solos Carex DVH 609 ridden for Sweden by Tinne Wilhelmsson who
put together a very well ridden test. This horse has a particularly nice canter - it
is quite hard to separate the horses as they get up into the top third of the field.
This combination scored 67% for their Grand Prix test.
Special; This performance scored 65.64% which finished them on a 24th
placing overall.
Number 357 was Francoise Cantamassa on Albfuehren's Laudatio an 8 yo
Oldenberger stallion by Landadel. Francoise rode for Switzerland and they put
together a great test for such a young horse. The first halt and depart were
muddled, but the rider focused and got back on track. The trot half passes lacked
confidence and they were too 'passagey'. Most of the test was of good quality in
particular the canter work. This rider did a very good job on a young and relatively
inexperienced Grand Prix horse. The combination were rewarded with a great
percentage score of 66.92% and 25th placing on the Grand Prix, which takes them through
for a ride in the Special.
Special: This
combination improved on their Grand Prix ride and finished the Special with a score
of 67.80% which had them in a final overall placing of 23rd.
Number 320 came into the arena to an enthusiastic response from the drown -
they were the home town combination of Juan Antonio Jiminez Cobo on his 14 year old
Lusitano stallion Guizo. Australian Dressage enthusiasts will remember seeing this
appealing combination at the Sydney Olympics in 2000. Guizo just oozes personality!
Like Limbo a few rides earlier, Guizo seemed to fumble with his fitting at the beginning
of his test, fortunately things improved as the test progressed. The Piaffe/Passage
was great and the Piaffe was one of the best - taken in isolation a 10 would be easy to
understand. The canter work did not cover enough ground - to demonstrate this - the
15 one times changes across the diagonal line finished just a few strides after X, and
Guizo had enough room to do another 8 canter strides before the F marker. This lack
of ringcraft and planning is very costly at this level. A great score of 69.40% had them
in 16th place after the Grand Prix.
It is almost as though the judges decided to be more demanding in their expectations of
the flow and presentation of the canter work. This horse is really not a
'stretching' type, his forte is the collection, but this is the way of modern dressage -
the judges want to see a horse with talent in all of the paces. They finished the
Special with a score of 66.68% and this gave them a final placing of 22.
Above and Below: Number 321 Ignacio Rambla Algaron on
the imposing 15 yo Spanish bred stallion Granadero. This stallion has a huge front
end. This horse has a real talent and a very expressive way of going.
The rein back forward sequence - the schaukel was inaccurate with only 5 clear steps back
instead of 6. There were mistakes in the 2 times changes and some swinging in the
1's. There was a loss of balance in the final extended trot- but they were quite
small errors in a test of very good overall quality. The mark of 68.44 and 20th
place confirms the highlights in the test.
This combination worked in a similar manner to the Grand Prix for a very similar mark -
68.24% which moved them down just one placing to 21st overall.
Number 359 Regent ridden for Switzerland by Christian Plage. Regent is
a 10 yo Danish Warmblood by Resident and from Camilla. This horse has lovely loose
movement with big springy steps with lots of elevation. With this quality to his
paces the half passes were most attractive and swept across the arena. The canter
work was also lovely with great 2 times changes. There was a mistake in the 1's.
The pirouette to the right was nicely done but a little too forward to the left.
The final Piaffe/Passage on the centre line was pleasing. A great Grand Prix score
of 69.12% had them in 18th place at this point.
This was also a quality test with a 2% reduction the mark. This bought them
back to 19th place at the end of the two competitions.