Eventing News
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Equitana Asia Pacific 2001
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logo204.gif (6260 bytes) The Audi Spray Farm Spring Festival
CIC *** International Horse Trials
Victoria's finest food & Wine festival
combined with world class equestrian sport ...

Nov. 30th to Dec. 2nd. 2001
Hickstead Challenge - Page 3
hwendyschaeffer1.jpg (14012 bytes) Wendy Schaeffer Australian Olympic Gold Medallist - here on her proven performer - Sunshades.
hwendyschaeffer2.jpg (18435 bytes) Wendy made it look like a nice ride through the park - Sunshades did not put a foot wrong.
hwendyschaeffer3.jpg (12616 bytes) Wendy Schaeffer & Sunshades show their experience and love of the sport.
hwendyschaeffer4.jpg (7681 bytes) Wendy gets in and out of the rain following her two rides in the Hickstead Challenge.
hshanerose1.jpg (16084 bytes) Shane Rose on Milsons Point were confident and careful, and yet still managed to keep good time.

They were the winners on the Hickstead Challenge.

hickstead123.jpg (17639 bytes) First three placegetters in the Hickstead Challenge -
Shane Rose 1st.
Wendy Schaeffer 2nd.
Jamie Murray 3rd.
hickstead456.jpg (12918 bytes) Placegetters ...

Megan Jones 3rd
Sonia Johnstone 4th
Amanda Ross 4th.


psarahnevilelavingdale.jpg (10443 bytes) Sarah Nevile-Lavingdale

who is an event rider (without a going horse at the moment) turned her expertise and interest to  the showjumping commentary for this event.

She did a wonderful job and kept everyone interested.

presrusswithers1.jpg (7064 bytes) Russ Withers the recently appointed Chairman of the EFA (National) took over the commentary, when the riders were on the Cross Country course.

Russell has a great knowledge and way with words, and he kept the action flowing.

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