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June 14th & 15th 200
Sydney International Equestrian Centre
Report by Berni Saunders - Page 3
Sunday 15th June 2003 Classes - Classes 5, 6 & 7
Class 5 One Step Pregnancy Test and Horseworld
NSW Mare of the Year

This a very prestigious contest as many mares go on to be brood mares and nothing looks better in her 'resume' than to have been a 'Mare of the Year'.  With the progress and more widespread use of artificial breeding techniques a mare like Brindabella could be producing foals while she is still out competing.  Good mares are well recognised by the AWHA.

4 Argentille Barbarella  2nd
31 Argentille Brindabella  1st
51 Glenbonnet Fleur de Lys  4th
48 Silver Hills Ruby  3rd
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Argentille Brindabella is by the imported stallion Argentille Ilkay and from a very nice Thoroughbred mare Honey Snow by Snow Vain.

  She demonstrated all of the highly desirable characteristics that one would be looking for in both a riding horse, pleasure horse and brood mare.  Congratulations to the breeders - Val d'Argent Stud in the Hunter Valley and of course Brindabella's owner Georgina Brown.

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Second place getter in this competition went to Argentille Barbarella - a beautiful mare by Argentille Biathlon who has a reputation for throwing wonderfully tractable horses with placid and easy going temperaments. 

Barbarella shows qualities from her sire and her dam who is by the imported Danish stallion Kilof McOhl (dec.)  She is owned by Jane Bramley.  This mare is in foal and I can imagine the excitement that  this prospect holds for the Bramley family.

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Glenbonnet Fleur de Lys was 4th in this class.  A lovely type and magnificently presented, she was a little less mature than the other mares and has the potential to be outstanding.  She is by Fidji and from an Aachimedes mare called Glenbonnet Arctic Fox.  She is owned by Rachel McClure
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Silver Hills Ruby by Ludendorf and from a mare by Skyhigh.  She is a very athletic type and well suited for any of the Olympic disciplines.  She is owned and was bred by Dr. N. Doong.
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Keith Smith from Queensland - the National AWHA President.  Keith and photographer wife Denise are keen enthusiasts of the breed and the NSW Branch were delighted to have them as guests for their Gala Weekend
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Leslie Archer is the AWHA Federal Registrar and the Treasurer for the NSW Branch.
Leslie worked very hard along with her co-Committee members and they were well pleased with the support for this show.
RING ONE AWHA Stud Book Registered Horses sponsored by Herbal Horse
Class 6 Herbal Horse Foal
3 Iona Zena 2nd
44 Jaybee Carmen 1st
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Jaybee Colleen was very well shown for Bev and John Edwards by Tor Van Den Berg from NSW.
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Nadia Connor from JC Milton.
Class 7 Herbal Horse Yearling
6 Bellingara Ferrero 1st
7 Buckwell Park Power Surge 2nd
49 Silver Hills Opal 3rd
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Bellingara Ferrero - the winner of the Yearling Class.  This 'Internationally' bred youngster is by Olympic Ferro out of Argentille Ivanka.  Ferrero proves the worth of a selective breeding program!
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Argentille Ivanka - Success for mother and son!!
Argentille Ivanka is by Argentille Ilkay and was bred by Val d'Argent stud in the Hunter Valley.
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AWHA NSW Branch GALA Weekend 2003 - Full Results

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Featured Horse
Featured Listing
Featured Stallion
Jenny Barnes
Di Gatehouse
Danny Boag
Jan Heine
Warren Lamperd
Sarah Moss
Mike Ogden
Berni Saunders
Dolly van Zaane

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