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February 16. 17 & 18
State Equestrian Centre
Australian Horsesports Working Hunter
Over  12.2 and not over 14 hands
Page 1
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Above and Right
Ensenada Park Byzanle
was not forward enough for his young rider Sally Balson
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Ensenada Park Byzanle
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Tooravale Gold Seeker
with Kali-Amber Terracall

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Hazelmere Uppercrust, Mulkirri Braiden and Aura Vale Jacob
await the judges decision
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A great ride for young Max McKay on
Cinnamon Spice.  They came in with an equal score to Ebony, but as Amy Cleland had the better jumping score Max was reserve.  A Great ride and congratulations.

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Cinnamon Spice
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The lineup of Large Pony Working Hunters
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Amy Cleland on Ebony rode a faultless round to become the
Champion Working Hunter over 12.2 hands and not over 14 hands
A great ride and congratulations.
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Max McKay and
Cinnamon Spice
Reserve Chmpions by the smallest
of margins.

Provisional Timetable |   Trade Exhibitors
Australian Horsesports Working Hunter Over 12.2 hands and not over 14 hands  Page 1  |  Page 2

Barastoc Horse of the Year 2001 - Event Index