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February 16. 17 & 18
State Equestrian Centre
Australian Horsesports Working Hunter
Horses Over 15 Hands
Page 2
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Vital Vote and Louise Pearce
prepare for their round.
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Fun and Games

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Fun and Games
Ridden by owner
Jodee Young
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Duke of Battingham and
Samantha Pelly had refusals and rails down, improved over last few.
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Duke of Battingham and
Samantha Pelly
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Sir Wallace
Owned and ridden by
Meaghan Sutherland

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Magnum ll and Mona-Lisa Baldwin a lovely type of horse with some Warmblood in his breeding.
A few sticky moments but Mona-Lisa is a 'gutsy' rider and put in a great round.
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Minapre Que Sera
and Hayley Smith
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Crimson Tides
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Left & Above
Crimson Tides and
Sharna Solyom

Provisional Timetable |   Trade Exhibitors
Australian Horsesports Working Hunter
Horses Over 15 hands  Page 1 Page 2 Page 3  |  Page 4

Barastoc Horse of the Year 2001 - Event Index