Pazzaz of Rosewood
Ridden by Abby Hughes
Reports to the judge |
Above and Right
Belaradah Royal Rose
ridden by Owner
Lisa Kellock |
Belaradah Royal Rose |
Derlwyn Joshua
Ridden by
Kelly Fitzpatrick
did a great job |
Tudor Park Travesty
ridden by Kate Hassell from Sunbury, had some awkward moments |
Ambassador Park Lincoln
reports to judge
Jenny Sheppherd |
Ambassador Park
did not have a dream round and eventually retired.Ridden by Sandra Knox
Judge Jenny Sheppherd was wonderfully
sympathetic and gave these young riders every chance to give their horses a little
education by allowing them to end by jumping a 'less scary' obstacle, giving the horse
confidence for next time
Well done Jenny ! |
Kirreway Showdown
Ridden by
Martine OsbourneLeft Reporting
to the judge
Jenny Sheppherd
and right - nicely over. |