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barastoclogo.gif (6757 bytes) BARASTOC 2001
February 16. 17 & 18
State Equestrian Centre
Malcolm Byrne Saddlery
Show Hunter  Galloway Over 14 Hands and not Over 15 Hands
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The first day of Barastoc was an action packed day with the indoor arena starting at 8.30 and the final class - The Show Hunter Horses 16 Hands and over finishing up at 10.30 PM.   I stupidly believed that optimism would overrule technology and that my photos - taken in poor light now that the suns was not beaming through the skylights - would turn out just like some of the gorgeous memories that I captured earlier in the day - sorry to all those competitors who have not got their picture onto Cyberhorse's Barastoc report - I did try.  The galloways were a quality lot with some outstanding individuals.  Alan Duncan (pictured left) the New Zealand Judge (who had worked hard in his demanding job all day!) made an excellent choice and said after the class that he looked for conformation and the work.  He was also looking for his show hunter to be a horse with a little more substance. 

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Myall Glen Jonathan
& Susan Gorst
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& Christine Weaver
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& Christine Weaver
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Copperq Awfully Nice
& Kelli Dickerson
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Dooley Park Childs Play
& Amelia Gall
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Dooley Park Childs Play
& Amelia Gall
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Left (taken earlier)& Above
Cheraton Flashdancer
& Nicole Guillot
(Nicole had a great Barastoc
- well done !!)
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with Kerri Cock

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Myscal Jasmin Owned by M Symes
and ridden by Fiona Burnell
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Lynbrook Tall Poppy
this is such a lovely horse - sorry this pic does not do him justice!
Ridden by Jackie Hazelwood
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Briary Dickens
Owned by R Pearce
& ridden by
Simone Pearce

Provisional Timetable |   Trade Exhibitors
Show Hunter Galloway Over 14 Hands, not over 15 Hands,     Page 1  Page 2

Barastoc Horse of the Year 2001 - Event Index