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barastoclogo.gif (2159 bytes) BARASTOC 2001
February 16. 17 & 18
State Equestrian Centre
Barastoc Small Pony of the Year 12.2 and Under
Ridden by a Child 14 years and under (on the day of the show)
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Stanton Park Rave Review out of the outstanding imported mare Tanygroes Pirites
The image of his legendary mum, he gave his young rider a lovely performance.
Owned by Raymond Butler and Annie Coxon (who imported the mare some years ago)
mcconnellparkmasterpiece.jpg (13524 bytes) McConnell Park Masterpiece

Show winning style with
Casey Meldrum.

It was a flawless workout from a polished pair of performers!

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mcconnellparkmasterpiece3400.jpg (26412 bytes) McConnell Park Masterpiece

& Casey Meldrum receive their beautiful garland of flowers and Championship sash, having been awarded the

2001 Barastoc Small Pony of the Year.

Liz Owens the Equine Manager and Nutritionist from
Ridley AgriProducts made the award.

The company have sponsored the event for 35 years.

Provisional Timetable |   Trade Exhibitors
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Barastoc Horse of the Year 2001 - Event Index