barastoclogo.gif (2159 bytes) BARASTOC 2001
February 16. 17 & 18
State Equestrian Centre
Performance Horses
Highlights - Page 3
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JD Arnover bred and owned by Danielle Harvey from Jesmond Dene stud at Officer. This great type is by the German superstar stallion Argentinus (sire of Aachen)

Winner of the Led Stallion (Medium to Heavy) class
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Wilcree Grand Slam
Jenny Carfi
take part in the
Led Colt class
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Wilcree Grand Slam
Jenny Carfi
take part in the
Led Colt class
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Wilcree Focal Point
2nd in the
Led Performance Stallion
(Medium to Heavy) class.
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Vancouver Park Watch my Duco
taking part in the
Led Stallion over 4 years (light)
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My Limited Edition (by My Bobby Dazzler)
owned and shown by the very stylish
Marie Mellington.
bschrapel1902.jpg (16051 bytes) Left Judge - Brian Schrapel


Brian is a well known & successful eventing competitor
and riding instructor.

He said that this was a very difficult ring to judge,
as the horses were all very different and most likely,
excellent 'performance' horses in their own field.

Today he had to pick a winner (and no doubt warmed
to a type most suited to his area of interest).

He thought that there was an opportunity to have a l
arger performance horse competition, dividing the
classes into specific disciplines and interests.

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Stray Courage - nominated by S & C Drinnan
A lovely elegant type of performance stallion - Winning the light class.
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Barastoc Horse of the Year 2001 - Event Index