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barastoclogo.gif (2159 bytes) BARASTOC 2001
February 16. 17 & 18
State Equestrian Centre
Make Quality Built Floats
Newcomer Large Pony of the Year
Judge Mrs. Kate Reid - New South Wales
Highlights - Page 2
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Above & Right
Kirreway Dignify Owned by Tony Oliver-Watkins and well ridden by
Linda Hayes
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Kirreway Dignify
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Fiona Mardling, Nicole Wight &
Lyn Milburn made a great contribution
to the success of Barastoc 2001
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Above - Frainewood Serenade with a stable name of Gidget is owned by Christine Boseley
& ridden today by Francesca Christie.
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Above & right
Kirreway Classic ridden by Bianca Jewell, who has had many successes including Melbourne's prestigious Good Hands Competition.
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Kirreway Classic
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Line up of Newcomer
Large ponies -

Await the judges announcement.

Provisional Timetable |   Trade Exhibitors
Newcomers Large Ponies Page 1 Page 2  Page 3

Barastoc Horse of the Year 2001 - Event Index