Horse lovers take note: The 4th edition of the Australian
Horse Owners and Breeders Tax Manual will be released shortly.Known as the industry bible because of its comprehensive nature, the tax manual
is an essential resource for anyone involved in, or advising, the horse industry. The
manual is a unique compilation of taxation, legal and management information, and has been
extensively revised to include up to date information on GST, CGT and Fringe Benefits tax.
Written by Martin OConnor of Martin J. OConnor
& Associates with collaboration by other industry experts, the manual also contains
helpful advice for those just starting out in the industry. It covers everything a horse
owner or breeder needs to know to manage their operation, and is also a valuable tool for
accountants and lawyers.
Mr OConnor is known for his expertise in accounting
matters for the horse industry in fact, staff from the Australian Tax Office have
been known to call him for advice and information! He has put his considerable expertise
on paper for the benefit of the thousands of Australians involved in the horse industry,
whether for fun or profit.
"The Horse Owners and Breeders Tax Manual was written
so that people involved in horse businesses could take advantage of tax provisions and
avoid penalties," explains Mr OConnor. "Weve seen too many people
make costly mistakes that could have been avoided. Even if its just a hobby, there
are things they need to know, and weve put them into this manual."
Mr OConnor attributes the popularity of his tax
manual to the fact that theres nothing else like it. "The manual collects
everything in one handy reference book, and as far as I know it is the only publication of
its type," he says. "Many copies have been sold to accountants, so that they can
better advise their horse owner clients."
With its up to date information on handling the GST, Mr
OConnor expects this edition to do very well. "If it stops someone from taking
one wrong step, it will more than repay the investment," he says. "On top of
which we offer a 14 day money back guarantee."
Previous print runs of the Australian Horse Owners and
Breeders Tax Manual have completely sold out. The manual costs $249 including GST, with
updates provided at no extra cost for a period of two years from purchase. It is available
direct from the publisher, Bloodhorse Breeders Pty Ltd. For information phone (03) 9629
3023, or visit
Pictured: Adam Tims is a Partner of Martin J. OConnor
& Associates |