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June 14th & 15th 200
Sydney International Equestrian Centre
Report by Berni Saunders - Page 7
Sunday 15th June 2003 - Classes 22 & 23 and
Champion and Reserve AWHA WID
Class 22 Independent Farriers Supplies 4 and over mare  
16 Skyview Brydie 1st
25 Centura Impact 4th
26 Belcam Corvette 2nd
63 M.R.Dior 3rd
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Skyview Brydie an outstanding performance mare by the Warmblood stallion Don Xavier (1/2 TB)  from a mare with 1/2 TB and 1/2 Clydesdale blood.
Brydie has given her rider much pleasure by showing her aptitude in sidesaddle and showing classes.  At the 2003 Sydney Royal Show she won the Side Saddle Hack and the Side Saddle rider classes. She carried her owner/rider Angela Later to Reserve Champion Lady Rider.  Brydie was the Champion Led Warmblood and she won the Ridden Warmblood class - what a show.

At 7 years of age the outstanding mare has it all before her.  Congratulations Angela, Brydie is a credit to your care and training and your outstanding success was well deserved.

belcamcorvette1.jpg (16746 bytes) Belcam Corvette - another outstanding mare with the temperament, movement and attitude to excel in lead and ridden classes.

Corvette has mesmerising movement and a real ability to collect and carry weight with her hindquarters.

She is by Contango ll from a Grannus ll mare.

Congratulations to her owner K Remely and Belcam Stud in Queensland who bred this outstanding mare.

centuraimpact4.jpg (25060 bytes) Centura Impact by Centura Third Dimension from the mare Hopeless Romantic XX by Always Welcome XX.

A lovely type for showing and magnificently presented - it is hard to believe that this is a winter coat  This mare lacked the big warmblood movement but impressed as a type.

She was bred by well known WA FEI Dressage rider - Roz Tippett and is owned by S Zanesco.

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Keith Smith from Queensland the
AWHA National President
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Lesley Archer the Federal Registrar of the AWHA as well as the Treasurer of the NSW Branch.
Class 23 M and D Colbran 4 and over gelding  
10 Valhalla Grand Tsar 4th
13 Harvest Aragorn 2nd
37 Nartel Decaprio 3rd
50 Laser Entrapment 1st
64 Strauss S.11 5th
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Laser Entrapment by Morilla Chopin from Kyglen XX by Prize Song XX.  This horse has a career in showing and he has a walk for a 10 - it is stunning.
He was beautifully presented by his owner
Rachel McClure who is also a show horse judge.
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Harvest Aragorn by Abbylara Avante from Northern Catherine (the dam of Yardley Aphrodite) shows great promise as a dressage prospect.  He has lovely rhythm and expression in his movement.  He is owned by well respected dressage coach Sally Barbera.
narteldecaprio1.jpg (18937 bytes)
This pic of Nartel Decaprio was taken in an earlier inside class.  He beautiful coat and presentation is lost in the lighting.  He is a lovely type by Leonardo 68 from Monika (formerly ridden by Mary Hanna)
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Part of the judging team
Diana Wolyncevic and Diane Bennett
The did a great job to separate the lovely horses presented in each class.  Well done girls!
CHAMPION AWHA WID Ring sponsored by the Arabian Horse Society of Australia, Horseworld and the AWHA   ...  Laser Entrapment
RESERVE CHAMPION AWHA WID sponsored by Ranvet ...  Skyview Brydie

Laser Entrapment

Skyview Brydie

Judge - Brett Parbury

Rear view of the magnificent
Sydney International Equestrian centre
Wallgrove Road, Horsley Park

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AWHA NSW Branch GALA Weekend 2003 - Full Results

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Featured Horse
Featured Listing
Featured Stallion
Jenny Barnes
Di Gatehouse
Danny Boag
Jan Heine
Warren Lamperd
Sarah Moss
Mike Ogden
Berni Saunders
Dolly van Zaane

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