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June 14th & 15th 200
Sydney International Equestrian Centre
Report by Berni Saunders - Page 12
Sunday 15th June 2003 -  PM - Classes 35A,  35B, 36
Champion and Reserve Champion Ridden Exhibit.
Class 35A Woody Pet Novice 4 and under
12 Clyro Windorius 3rd
19 Ennovyar Viking 5th
28 Luminaire 2nd
45 Jaybee Alabaster 1st
13 Harvest Aragorn 4th

Clyro Windorius

Nadia Connor from JC Milton the importer of the Canadian wood product Woodypet.
Class 35B Woody Pet Novice 5 and over
25 Centura Impact  
8 O’Hara Madamoiselle 3rd
31 Argentille Brindabella 2nd
50 Laser Entrapment 1st
61 Buckwell Park Poetry 5th
63 M.R.Dior 4th
Class 36 Woody Pet Elementary
16 Skyview Brydie 3rd
22 Tallyho Voltaire 2nd
26 Belcam Corvette 1st
31 Argentille Brindabella 4th

Belcam Corvette

Skyview Brydie

Argentille Brindabella

Claire Lynch - Secretary of the
AWHA NSW Branch.
Woody Pet Class 37/38 Medium/Advanced
22 Tallyho Voltaire = 1st
42 Jaybee Leuwin = 1st

Tallyho Voltaire by Korrit (Imp)
Owner Sheryl Ackerley rides this lovely natured stallion to equal first in the Med/Advanced test.

View from the back of the indoor arena at the Sydney International Equestrian Centre.

4.45 CHAMPION RIDDEN sponsored by Horseworld and AWHA  -  Jaybee Leuwin
RESERVE CHAMPION RIDDEN sponsored by Hombre Australia  -  Belcam Corvette

Belcam Corvette

Belcam Corvette

Congratulations to all winners and placegetters.  I am sure that the event organisation and standard of competition will continue on the upward spiral that was so apparent over these two days.  I firmly believe that we now have some outstanding horses in Australia and while the breeders must always strive to improve,  I would like to think that we are looking at  the training and riding issues which must be addressed and improved, if we are to see these lovely young horses given the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Some years ago the USA was in the 'Dressage doldrums' and since they have got to the root of the problem and then put in place a correct system of training, along with a very experienced National Coach to implement that system - they have lifted their results and are now in the top three Dressage nations in the world.  Many people believe that it is likely to be the USA, that eventually topples the German stronghold on the sport.  Klaus Balkenhol as the USA Coach has been a key factor in the very dramatic rise in the sport of Dressage.

Right now Australia does not even have a National Dressage coach, let alone a clear system to guide our riders and shape the development of the sport.  I hope that something is put into place in time to capture the raw talent that I saw this weekend.

We all know that it will take lots of effort ... and even more money, but if we all work together in order to find solutions - we can do it. 

I would like to thank the AWHA NSW Branch - in particular Claire Lynch and Brian Silvia for extending the invitation which made it possible for me to attend this great Gala Weekend.  It has been a fantastic experience and a boost to my confidence in the future of the performance horse industry in this country.

I will look forward to seeing you all again next year.

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  AWHA NSW Branch GALA Weekend 2003 - Full Results

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Jenny Barnes
Di Gatehouse
Danny Boag
Jan Heine
Warren Lamperd
Sarah Moss
Mike Ogden
Berni Saunders
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