Gillette Tonimbuk Horse Trials - March 17-18,2001
RING 1   JUDGE: Barry Roycroft     JUDGE: Brian Schrapel     JUDGE: Merrilyn Hamilton-Smith
No      Rider                Horse                  Dr      Dr      C/C     C/CTime S/J     S/J     Total   Place
1       Nina Clarke *        Lockley's Park Monet          9    97.2    12.5      26C              3      16   139.2
2       David Middleton *    R.U.N.V.S.                  9.1    77.4   12.52     0.4C           3.02       5    82.81st
3       John Bird *          Barney Rubble               9.2    93.8   12.54       2C           3.04       5   100.83rd
4       Michael Hocking *    Stargazer                   9.3    98.8   12.56    15.2C           3.06       6     120
5       Ingrid Kimpton *     Beaudezupher                9.4    96.9   12.58      40      60    3.08       5   201.9
6       Sue Leslie *         Peter The Red               9.5    88.2       1      16C            3.1      13   117.2
7       Ian Balfour *        The King's Romance           10   110.4    1.02    32.8C           3.12Ret
8       Meg Wood *           Hawkmoon                   10.1    91.9    1.04    66.8      40    3.14Ret
9       Robyn McFee          Wizard                     10.2   114.2    1.06        E           3.16        E
10      Andrew Baird         G.S. Chevalier             10.3    93.8    1.08W/D         3.18
        Morning Tea                                     10.4
11      Bianca Craddock      Lord Brigalow                11Retired      1.1             3.2
12      Sally Morrison       In Your Dreams             11.1    86.2    1.12    27.6C           3.22       7   120.8
13      Rowena Lewis         Fleet Street Flyer         11.2   102.2    1.14    19.6C           3.24       5   126.8
14      Janelle Pitts        Mr Showoff                 11.3    76.4    1.16    15.2C           3.26      10   101.64th
15      Rohan Luxmoore       Stonemason                 11.4    89.4    1.18     3.6C           3.28      10     1035th
16      Georgia Clifford *   Let It Rain                11.5   129.9     1.2W/D          3.3      18
17      John Bird *          Woodmount Fame               12    97.2    1.22       4C           3.32       5   106.26th
18      Emily Anker *        Balmoral Cavalier          12.1    78.6    1.24W/D         3.34      10
19      Kerrie Bowman (S.A.) Fourwinds Nicholson        12.2    77.8    1.26      30C           3.36      43   150.8
20      Anna Cullen *        Macmiga                    12.3    90.4    1.28    46.8C           3.38      10   147.2
        Lunch                                           12.4
21      Debbie Browell *     Go Easy                     1.1     101     1.3    22.8C            3.4      10   133.8
22      Jodie Hardman *      Mischief Prince             1.2    89.2    1.32Retired     3.42
23      Erin Hands *         Negative Blaze              1.3    79.2    1.34Retired     3.44
24      Fiona Hawkes *       Man of Colours              1.4      79    1.36        E           3.46        E
25      Meg McNaught         Time Will Tell              1.5            1.38            3.48
26      Ingrid Kimpton *     Hooray Bob                    2   101.2     1.4    18.8C            3.5       5     125
27       Sue Leslie *        Detori                      2.1    97.2    1.42    17.2C           3.52      15   129.4
28      Paul Greene *        Nanju                       2.2   102.8    1.44      18C           3.54      21   141.8
29      Amanda Ross *        Wynella Rialto              2.3    62.6    1.46    16.4C           3.56       9      882nd
30      Tucker, Ebony        Pure Luck                   2.4            1.48            3.58
RING 2   JUDGE:  Lyn Roycroft                           JUDGE:  Bev Shandley
No      Rider                Horse                  Dr      Dr      C/C     C/CTime S/J     S/J     Total   Place
31      Catherine Martindale Town Fox                      9    78.8    11.2     0.8C            1.1      19    98.6
32      Pagan Davies *       Double Bass                 9.1    73.811.21.5     29.6C           1.12      10   123.4H/C
33      Leesa Trezise        Overley Cosmic              9.2           11.23            1.14
34      Brad Egan            Lockmeister                 9.3    72.811.24.5     16.8      20    1.16       8   117.6
35      Belinda Dalziel      Grey Note                   9.4    74.7   11.26    27.6C           1.18      10   112.3
36      Meagan Jamieson      Mandingo                    9.5    72.311.27.5      4.4C            1.2C           76.75TH
37      Vanda Morgan         Coastal Ties                 10    65.4   11.29    31.2C           1.22C           96.6
38      David Middleton *    Moonchase                  10.1    66.611.30.5 C       C           1.24       5    71.63RD
39      Robert Goodwin       Northern Cosmo             10.2    76.5   11.32    16.8C           1.26      10   103.3
40      Tracee Arnup         Pop Rivet                  10.3        11.33.5             1.28
41      Vanessa Canning      Fire Invader               10.4    73.2   11.35    34.8C            1.3       5     113
        Morning Tea                                     10.5
42      Matthew Laurie *     Off The Cuff               11.1   100.511.36.5 W/D         1.32
43      Amanda Ross *        Marine Park Darcy          11.2    58.5   11.38    22.4c           1.34C           80.9H/C
44      Adrian Bright        Ogoni Rights               11.3    75.911.39.5      1.2C           1.36       5    82.1
45      Ian Balfour *        G Force                    11.4    83.7   11.41        E           1.38E       E
46      Geogia Watson        Galaxy                     11.5    70.511.42.5 C       C            1.4       5    75.54th
47      Michelle Barclay     Bonus                        12    85.5   11.44    44.4C           1.42C          129.9
48      Bronwyn Pettitt      Pie In the Sky             12.1    77.711.45.5     18.4C           1.44      10   106.1
49      Bec Provan           Bad Boy Blanco             12.2    78.6   11.47    11.2C           1.46Ret
50      Kate Gray            Blue Vane Jimmy            12.3    75.911.48.5     40.8C           1.48      20   136.7
51      Liana Bertrand       Noble Spirit *             12.455,2        11.5      10C            1.5       5    70.22nd
52      Samantha Wynn        Bringabeeralong            12.5    72.911.51.5     22.4      20    1.52       5   120.3
        Lunch                                              1
53      Jenny Peck           Mixed Emotions              1.3      69   11.53    18.8C           1.54      15   102.4
54      David Middleton *    W.E.C. Warlord              1.4    53.711.54.5      2.8C           1.56      22    78.5
55      Lucy McKenzie        Coddington Court Henry      1.5    73.5   11.57    11.6C           1.58       5    90.1
56      Kerrie Bowman (S.A.) Regal Gambler                 2    58.511.58.5      0.4C              2C           58.91st
57      Melissa Cannon       Oddessy Express             2.1    82.2      12      10C           2.02       5    97.2
58      Chris Smith *        Stolen Success              2.2    66.912.01.5      8.4C           2.04      10    85.3H/C
59      Mark Slater          Astro                       2.3    63.9   12.03     8.4C           2.06      15    87.3
60      Natalie Heselwood    Courage                     2.4      6211.04.5     25.2C           2.08      20   107.2
61      Charlot Dekkers      Woodmount Muziek            2.5    71.7   12.06    24.4      20     2.1       5   121.1
62      Hayley Gilbert       Overley Irish Decision        3     30.4      20    2.12C          106.5
63      Ann Gaudion          Running Bear                3.1    64.1   12.09W/D         2.14
        Afternoon Tea                                    3.2
64      Carly Easdale        Clyde On The Side           3.4    60.6   12.12    17.2C           2.16      15    92.8
65      Edward Tucker *      Man of Zam                  3.5    72.612.13.5         E           2.18        E
66      Jonathan McLean      Woodmount Lawark              4           12.15            2.12
67      Robyn Richards *     Kendalee Classic Result     4.1     10.4C           2.22C           83.6
68      Hayley Easdale       A Little Loud               4.2    74.7   12.18      20C           2.24E       E
69      Melissa Slavin       Be Cubed                    4.3    75.512.19.5      9.2C           2.26       5    89.7
70      Stacey McCormack     Pura Park Tex               4.4    84.6   12.21     3.6C           2.28      10    98.2
71      Keren Bennett        Little Raven                4.5    62.712.22.5       22C            2.3      26   110.7
72      Meg McNaught         Time Will Tell                5    68.6   12.24    26.4      20    2.32C            115H/C
73      David Middleton *    Ace Adventure               5.1    66.912.25.5 C       C           2.34      10    76.96th
CLASS 3                      ORAL B PRE  NOVICE             Section  A
RING 3                                              JUDGE:   Rick Thirkell
No      Rider                Horse                  Dr      DR      C/C     C/CTime S/J     S/J     Total   Place
74      Ebony Tucker         All Luck                      9    59.4     2.1    13.2C             10C           72.6
75      Murray Lamperd *     Brannigans Flying Hi       9.08    45.6    2.11     5.6C          10.02       5    56.24th
76      Wendy McKenzie *     Wyndham Temptation         9.16    75.6    2.12      72C          10.04       5   152.6
77      Penny Molnar *       Cabernet                   9.24            2.13           10.06
78      Kim Gilbert          Lords                      9.32      63    2.14           10.08
79      Matt Joy             True Future                 9.4    59.4    2.15C       C           10.1      10    69.4
80      Joanne Kinross *     Faran                      9.48      60    2.16    12.8C          10.12C           72.8
81      Emily Anker *        tba                        9.56    64.2    2.17    33.2C          10.14      15   112.4
82      Jessie Fleming                                 10.04            2.18           10.16
83      Rebecca Alcott       Starday                   10.12    72.8     2.2    10.8C          10.18C           83.6
84      Darren Green         Torlea Merlin McOhl        10.2            2.21            10.2
85      Amanda Bowden        Two Stroke                10.28      84    2.22    12.4     100   10.22      25   221.4
86      Erin Hands *         Oakhill Casper            10.36    68.4    2.23    16.8C          10.24      20   105.2
        Morning Tea                                    10.44
87      Catherine Martindale Queensland Deisel         11.04      60    2.24           10.26
88      Emily Hodgson        Halloween Angel           11.12    74.6    2.25       4C          10.28      10    88.6
89      Laura Nankervis      Santara                    11.2    55.8    2.26     1.6C           10.3      25    82.4
90      Emma Scott *         Interrupt                 11.28      60    2.27     6.8C          10.32C           66.8
91      Annyka King *        Wondaree Surprise         11.36    70.8    2.28C       C          10.34C           70.8
92      Pip White            Hot ‘N’ Stormy            11.44    69.6    2.29    18.8C          10.36       1    89.4H/C
93      Amanda Habjan        Warrior Princess          11.52    62.4     2.3     1.2C          10.38C           63.6
94      Jeanie Luckock       Toughen Up                   12    64.2    2.31    48.8C           10.4       5     118
95      Anne Putker          Weltevred Ripley          12.08      60    2.32Retired    10.42      10
96      Meredith Bransbury   Nothing But Ned           12.16    58.2    2.33W/D        10.44      25
97      Sue Tufnell          The Countess Cathleen     12.24    55.8    2.34    22.4C          10.46       28i0.2
98      Yona Lloyd           Calypso Summer            12.32    55.2    2.35     5.6C          10.48C           60.86th
99      James Lang           Gelfling                   12.4      57    2.36C       C           10.5C             575th
        Lunch                                          12.48
100     Tori Oglesby         Fable                      1.18    49.8    2.37     1.2C          10.52       5      563rd
101     John Bird *          Rythm ‘N’ Blues            1.26    49.2    2.38C       C          10.54       5    54.22nd
102     Matthew Laurie *     Adloo Casey                1.34    42.6    2.39C       C          10.56       7    49.61st
103     Phillip Cafarella    Fuselar                    1.42    60.6     2.4    17.2C          10.58      10    87.8
104     Sophie McLean        Woodmount Midori            1.5    54.6    2.41C       C             11      24    78.6
105     Kylie Webb           Maguiver                   1.58            2.42           11.02
106     Lindsay Woods        In the News                2.06    57.6    2.43    17.6C          11.04      12    87.2
107     Prue Blackney        Stardah                    2.14            2.44           11.06
109     Jodie Hardman *      Chest of Hope               2.3      66    2.46W/D         11.1E       E
111     Robyn Vowles         Ellesmere Expression       2.46      63    2.48        E          11.14      10E
112     Rachael Pepper       Sir Prestwold              2.54    70.8    2.49     0.8C          11.16       6    77.6
CLASS 3                      ORAL B PRE  NOVICE             Section B
RING 4                                              JUDGE:  Judy Slater
    No  Rider                Horse                  Dr      Dr      C/C     C/CTime S/J     S/J     Total   Place
113     Jane Griffin                                       9    53.4     2.5    18.8C          11.18       7    79.2
114     Michael Parker       Griffin                    9.08    55.8    2.51     7.6C           11.2      11    74.4
115     Adam Stewart         tba                        9.16      65    2.52      16C          11.22      15      96
116     Lisa Meehl           Magic Man                  9.24    55.2    2.53       6C          11.24       6    67.2
117     Prue Wood            W.D. Chances Are           9.32    47.4    2.54     1.2C          11.26       5    53.63RD
118     Katja Weimann  *     Romper Stomper              9.4    43.8    2.55     3.2C          11.28C             472ND
119     Kirsty Adamson       Murphy’s Curiosity         9.48    60.6    2.56W/D         11.3       6
120     Russell Wilson       Uncle Tom                  9.56    62.4    2.57     3.2C          11.32C           65.6
123     Rebecca Anker        Without A Doubt            10.2      57       3Retired    11.38      25
124     Nina Clarke *        L.P. Renoir               10.28    54.6    3.01    14.8C           11.4       7    76.4
125     James Williams *     Electric Charge           10.36    61.8    3.02      16C          11.42      10    89.6
        Morning Tea                                    10.44                                C
126     Pagan Davies *       Century Light             11.04    46.2    3.03        E          11.44C       E
127     Penny Molnar *       Northbound                11.12    63.6    3.04    18.8C          11.46C           82.4
128     Karen Muir           Monaco Boy                 11.2    47.4    3.05    23.6C          11.48       5      76
129     Simone McDonald      Newky Brown               11.28    45.6    3.06W/D         11.5
130     Di Shorland          The Jolly Roger           11.36    65.4    3.07W/D        11.52
131     Monika Herrmann      Leave It To Beaver        11.44    65.4    3.08    42.4C          11.54      20   127.8
132     Wendy McKenzie *     Wyndham Allez             11.52    63.6    3.09Retired    11.56       5
133     Laura Darvall        Marine Park Couta            12    43.2     3.1C       C          11.58C           43.21ST
134     Davina Wise          Kendalee Imposing Desig   12.08    49.8    3.11    17.2C             12      15      83
135     Liana Kearney *      Cookie Monster            12.16    58.2    3.12        E          12.02      12E
136     Emma Scott           Night Commander           12.24    54.2    3.13C       C          12.04       5    59.26TH
137     Warwick McLean       Woodmount Spry            12.32    62.4    3.14W/D        12.06                H/C
138     Ainsley Kerr         Dollar Dazzler             12.4    49.2    3.15      20C          12.08      10    79.2
        Lunch                                          12.48
139     Victoria Brown       Snowview Rachael           1.18    51.6    3.16    16.8C           12.1      10    78.4
140     Steve Peters         Diamond Road               1.26    51.6    3.17    14.8C          12.12       5    71.4
141     Joanne Kinross *     Judah                      1.34    56.4    3.18       8C          12.14       7    71.4
142     Murray Lamperd *     Professor Allanbridge      1.42      54    3.19    10.4C          12.16       5    69.4
143     Georgia Clifford     Sky’s The Limit             1.5      48     3.2    10.8   12.18       5    63.8
144     James Richards       Direction                  1.58      60    3.21Retired     12.2       5
145     Tori Mitton          Itza Challenge             2.06    57.2    3.22    18.4C          12.22C           69.6
146     Raquel Corbett       Foxmoore                   2.14      51    3.23C       C          12.24       5      565TH
147     John Nicolson        Utopia                     2.22    52.8    3.24    18.6C          12.26C           66.4
148     John Bird *          Lucifer’s Liege             2.3    53.4    3.25    22.4C          12.28C           75.8H/C
149     Tori Oglesby *       Farmer Oak                 2.38      75    3.26    29.2C           12.3       5   109.2
150     Kim Jacobson         Aurum Addiction            2.46    52.2    3.27    56.4C          12.32      20   128.6
151     Annyka King *        Wondaree The Barger        2.54    49.8    3.28C       C          12.34       5    54.84TH
CLASS 4                       PAKENHAM PRODUCE PRELISection A
RING                        5                       JUDGE: Cicely Elder
No      Rider                Horse                  Dr      Dr      C/C     C/CTime S/J     S/J     Total   Paid
152     Eren Horton          Perfect 10                    9    58.2      10        E            4.3      10E
153     Delwyn Ogilvy        Foxy Pilgrim               9.08    55.2   10.01C       C           4.32C           55.2= 5TH
154     Amanda MacDonald     The Scoot                  9.16      51   10.02    10.4C           4.34       5    66.4
155     Emily Hodgson        Montezumer’s Curse         9.14    58.2   10.03    18.8C           4.36C             77
156     Kylie-Anne Reid      Twigging Around            9.32    51.6   10.04      12C           4.38      15    78.6
157     Nolene Byrne         James                       9.4    46.2   10.05C       C            4.4      10    56.2
158     Sadie Michell        Exeter                     9.48           10.06            4.42
159     Anna Cullen *        AEA Dutch Haven            9.56    56.4   10.07    24.4C           4.44      26   106.8
160     Michael Axarlis *    Mt View Zedda             10.04           10.08            4.46
161     Aurelia Kruize       Saddle Up It’s A Game     10.12           10.09            4.48
        Morning Tea                                     10.2
162     Michael Hocking *    Picadilly Square           10.4    53.4    10.1     5.6C            4.5       2      61
163     Vanessa Keunmeman    Surveillance              10.48    57.8   10.11W/D         4.52
164     Holly Lewis          Belcam Almaz              10.56    58.2   10.12        E           4.54C       E
165     Trudi Yates *        Wilcree Centrecourt       11.04    50.4   10.13W/D         4.56      15
166     Ewan Kellett *       Ponche                    11.12           10.14            4.58
167     Viv Higgins          McTavish                   11.2    55.2   10.15     1.2C              5C           56.4
168     Charlotte Poole      Perfect Cadence           11.28           10.16            5.02
169     Loretta Truscott     Ferryman                  11.36    47.4   10.17W/D         5.04E       E
170     Berenice Hunter      Chilli High Fly           11.44    55.2   10.18C       C           5.06C           55.2= 5TH
171     Fiona Hawkes *       Sharp Replie              11.52    42.6   10.19       2C           5.08      10    54.64TH
        Lunch                                             12
172     Susie Thomas         Ballroom Blitz             12.3    57.8    10.2    28.8C            5.1       5    91.6
173     Andrew McKay         Milli Vanilli             12.38    46.2   10.21C       C           5.12C           46.21ST
174     Matt Joy             North Atlantic            12.46      48   10.22C       C           5.14       5      533RD
175     James Williams *     Wyndham Boomer            12.54    64.8   10.23        E           5.16C       E
176     Megan Barclay        Hulagan                    1.02    73.2   10.24    20.4C           5.18      13   106.6
177     Jessie Fleming       Thady O’Ryan                1.1    48.6   10.25C       C            5.2C           48.62ND
178     Meg Wood *           Henry Vee                  1.18    60.6   10.26W/D         5.22
179     Sarah Ferguson       Sienna Magic               1.26    69.6   10.27C       C           5.24       5    74.6
180     Erin White           Just Doing Time            1.34      62   10.28W/D         5.26
181     Edward Tucker *      Desperation Samba          1.42    78.6   10.29        E           5.28       2E
182     Emma Vowles          Ellesmere Dunmoochan        1.5    55.8    10.3    19.2C            5.3      10      85
CLASS 4                      PAKENHAM PRODUCE PRELIMSection B
RING 6                       JUDGE:  Anne Skinner
No      Rider                Horse                  Dr      Dr      C/C     C/CTime S/J     S/J     Total   Place
183     Kristen Theile       Alpine Ice                    9    61.2   10.31C       C           5.32C           61.24TH
184     Paul Juricskay       Argyl Hotstuff             9.08      78   10.32        E           5.34      11E
185     Ashleigh Fleming     Pepperell Drive            9.16      45   10.33    12.8C           5.36       5    62.85TH
186     Jo Dipnall           Packamass Shackle          9.14    66.2   10.34      10C           5.38      26   102.2
187     Fiona Williams       St Andrews Bay             9.32    69.6   10.35    29.2C            5.4      15   113.8
188     Kate Scrivener       Serene Invasion             9.4    49.2   10.36     2.4C           5.41      16    67.7
189     Kerry Breckon        Believer                   9.48    43.8   10.37    24.8C           5.42      34   102.6
190     Georgia Mann         Finn Cumal                 9.56    46.2   10.38      94C           5.44      22   162.2
191     Heath Slater         Human Nature              10.04    62.4   10.39     7.2C           5.46C           69.6
192     Cate Satchwell       C.V. Standing Ovation     10.12      63    10.4C       C           5.48       2      83
        Lunch                                           10.2
193     Mia Sell             Count Briardale            10.4      75   10.41C       C            5.5      10      85
194     Tommy Chippendall    Balmoral Sun              10.48    60.6   10.42    21.6      20    5.52      20   102.2
195     Kathryn Martin       Nassau                    10.56    46.2   10.43C       C           5.54      51    97.2
196     Nadia Hulett         Cockatoo                  11.04    52.8   10.44    18.8C           5.56      10    81.6
197     Katja Weimann *      Triathlete                11.12      48   10.45C       C           5.58       5      533RD
198     Kathleen House       G.P.H. Studebaker          11.2           10.46               6
199     Lee Norris           Centre of Attention       11.28    60.6   10.47      14C           6.02      26   100.6
200     Debbie Browell       Koyuna Roo                11.36           10.48            6.04
201     Dale Flynn           Perfectionist             11.44           10.49            6.06
202     Delwyn Ogilvy        Brio                      11.52    42.2    10.5C       C           6.08       5    47.22ND
        Afternoon Tea                                     12
203     Sharon Chappell      High Expectations          12.3    58.8   10.51    43.2C            6.1       5       5     107
204     Jenny Muir           Ronaldo                   12.38           10.52            6.12
205     Kate Green           Night Jar                 12.46           10.53            6.14
206     Elizabeth Clacy      Ben                       12.54      81   10.54W/D         6.16       5
207     Hollie Gilbert       Aris Jester                1.02    37.2   10.55C       C           6.18C           37.21ST
208     Lynette Scott        Waverley Parade             1.1           10.56             6.2
209     Robyn Richards       Kendalee Dance Beat        1.18      48   10.57    12.8C           6.22       5    65.86TH
210     Ewan Kellett *       Kildonan Zambezi           1.26      84   10.58    15.2C           6.24       1   100.2
211     Susanna Cary         Blue Van Fred              1.34    52.2   10.59      14C           6.26      10    76.2
212     Sandra Hore          Blue Vane Blue             1.42              11            6.28
RING 7                       JUDGE: Tina Winch
No      Rider                Horse                  Dr      Dr      C/C     C/CTime S/J     S/J     Total   Place
213     Amanda Ross *        Urge                          9    61.89.  9.00    12.4      20     2.3C           94.2
214     Rachel Regan         Shaman                     9.08      81    9.01    19.2C           2.32      10   110.2
215     Neva Brunning        Chances Will Be            9.16    75.2    9.02     7.6C           2.34      10    92.8
216     Julie Payton         Otto Schumaker             9.24    64.2    9.03     2.8C           2.36       4      715TH
217     Greg Browne *        Tolstoy                    9.32            9.04            2.38
218     Catherine Moroney    Grey Thing                  9.4    52.8    9.05     2.4C            2.4       5    60.23RD
219     Yasmin Chandler      Just A Dream               9.48      63    9.06    15.6C           2.42       5    83.6
220     Susanna Thomas       E.P. Dillon                9.56     111    9.07W/D         2.44
221     Bree Daley           Remington Steel           10.04    51.8    9.08    13.2      20    2.46       5      90
222     David Stephens       Dual Star                 10.12    71.4    9.09     6.4C           2.48       9    86.8
223     Brian Brand          Stormy Exit                10.2    74.6     9.1       2C            2.5C           76.66TH
224     Siobhan Warren       Super Ted                 10.28    78.2    9.11            2.52E
        Morning Tea                                    10.36
225     Torina Johnston      Cape Columbia             10.56    71.4    9.12    13.2      20    2.54C          104.6
226     Debbie Browell       Koyuna Roo                11.04    43.8    9.13       6C           2.56      10    59.82ND
227     Paula Pilkington     Secret Wish               11.12            9.14            2.58
228     Samantha Howard      Valentino                  11.2      57    9.15    20.8C              2      37   114.8
229     Jayde Kunst          Buvee                     11.28    76.8    9.16     0.8C           2.02C           77.6
230     Jennifer Smith       Slinky                    11.36    86.4    9.17      16C           3.04       3   105.4
231     Murray Lamperd *     Sargeant Allanbridge      11.44      48    9.18    11.2C           3.06       5    64.24TH
232     Nina Simons          Get Together              11.52      81    9.19W/D         3.08
233     Tanya Hurley         Infared                      12    87.2     9.2W/D          3.1E
234     Camille Walklate     Innominata                12.08            9.21            3.12
235     Annette Walls        Wondaree Dal Cais         12.16    42.6    9.22    14.4C           3.14C             571ST
        Lunch                                          12.24
236     David Young          R. H. Tyson Lane          12.54            9.23            3.16
237     Paule Greene *       The Scallywag              1.02    83.4    9.24C       C           3.18C           83.4
238     Michael Axarlis *    Durndeer                    1.1            9.25             3.2
239     Amanda Ross *        Osterly Havana             1.18    49.8    9.26    38.4      40    3.22C          128.2
240     Mia Sell             Barnaby Lad                1.26      90    9.27W/D         3.24      38
241     Trudi Yates *        Shoshone Park Tallyrand    1.34    66.6    9.28W/D         3.26      17
242     Denise Fellows       Occam’s Razor              1.42    54.6    9.29W/D         3.28
243     Liana Kearney *      Jungle Rumble               1.5    62.4     9.3      14C            3.3       5    81.4
244     Claudia Bosch        Branigan’s Advocate        1.58    53.4    9.31    25.2      40    3.32C          118.6
245     Neroli Hadfield      Kalimna                    2.06      75    9.32      16C           3.34      10     101
246     Erin Hands *         Fully Painted              2.14    67.2    9.33    10.8C           3.36       5      83
247     Greg Browne *        Shockwave                  2.22    69.8    9.34    74.8     100    3.38      19   263.6
248     Carolyn McLean       Tar & Roses                 2.3            9.35             3.4