Dressage News

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National Dressage Championships
For Riders with Disabilities
Friday 7th, Saturday 8th, Sunday 9th September.
National Equestrian Centre
K Road,  Werribee.  Victoria.
Friday's Highlights - Page 1
by Berni Saunders

RDA Philosophy

Riding for the Disabled is a Worldwide movement providing equestrian activities for people of all ages, to experience enjoyment, healthy, active recreational and sporting choices, and the achievement of personal goals.

Melbourne played host to these National Championships and proved those interstate visitors who bemoan our weather, quite right by turning on three of the most awful days imaginable.  Cold gusty wind spoiled the event to some degree, but it was difficult to dampen the enthusiasm of the competitors and the many wonderful volunteer helpers who are so much of what makes RDA possible.  Competitors from all over Australia and a New Zealand team made up the large number of competitors, and there was a wonderful spirit of goodwill and camaraderie.  I had a particular personal involvement as the West Australian rider Judy Hogan was mounted on my special Arabian/Warmblood, Hollybrook Boston.  The competition was extremely well organised and ran very smoothly.  20 horse were loaned for the event, and it was great to hear the riders acknowledge the owners and their generosity.

Friday's tests were a warmup for the riders - the chance to get over nerves and for those on borrowed horses, to rider them in a 'real' competition environment. 

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Tireless in their efforts and support of RDA
Caroline Leiutenant - RDA Assistant Coach and Judy Cubitt the Chef d'Equipe.
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Margaret Reynolds - former Paralympian who represented Australia at Atlanta USA -
was the competition's Technical Delegate
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Marita Heard from Queensland on Debonaire

about to go out for their first test.
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Mandy Waalwyk on the lovely mare
C Gold Charm who has a brilliant walk.
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Marion McKenzie on the striking Chestnut
Valzac presented an eyecatching picture !
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Adam Fawcett
Jenny Barnes
Di Gatehouse
Jan Heine
Warren Lamperd
Sarah Moss
Mike Ogden
Berni Saunders
Dolly van Zaane

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