Photo Gallery Page 5
Photos by Berni Saunders

With well over 250 guests, it was impossible for one photographer/guest to snap everyone. Apologies to those I did not manage to include in my photo gallery. 

Picture 64 MC (and auctioneer) for the evening Bruce Falk chats with
Lynda Hayes.

Picture 66 dazzling ... Peggy & partner

Picture 69 Hans and Mary Nieuwland with Lilah & friend.

Picture 70

Picture 71 Malcolm Ansell with

Picture 73

Picture 74

Picture 75

Picture 76 Franny & friend.

Picture 77

Picture 78 Franny & friend.

Picture 79

Picture 80

Picture 81

Picture 82

Picture 83 Table 14 having a great time and giving cheek to the photographer.

Picture 85 Melissa Alexander, Berni Saunders and Jason Duke having a great time.

Picture 87 Ian    , Rex Hunt with ? Jo Baily and ?

The evening was a great success and there was a wonderful overtone of camaraderie - we were all there to help a special person and her very special horse get to the World Young Horse Championships in Verden Germany in 2006.  If you would like to purchase any of the photos from the Photo Gallery 100% of the proceeds will go straight to Maree.

Please e-mail Berni Saunders

The photos are $30.00 ($25,00 & $5.00 for postage etc.) and they will come in approximately A4 size.  They will be coated in an A4 film to protect the inks from fingermarks and fading.  Cyberhorse will take a credit card if you wish to ring through the number on 9746 1216.  I will also need you to e-mail the picture number and postal address so that i can send them out to you.  The price includes a padded envelope and postage.

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