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February 16. 17 & 18
State Equestrian Centre
The Tack Box Saddlery
Newcomer Small Pony of the Year
Judge Mr. Simon Kale - New South Wales
Highlights - Page 3
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Above - Stanton Park Rave Review - such a beautiful pony just 4 years old.  He is living proof that 'quality begets quality'.
He is out of the legendary imported mare Tanygroes Pirites, herself chestnut with 4 stockings.
The mare was imported by this pony's owner Annie Coxon and she must be thrilled to see her confidence in the little mare so well vindicated today - conratulations!

Left - Judge Simon Kale from New South Wales,
did a great job with the young ponies and their young riders.

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Above & Right
Such a lovely pony -
Warrendi Lodge Exquisite
a well deserved win for
Tiffany-Anne Greenhill

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Barastoc Horse of the Year 2001 - Event Index