February 16. 17 & 18 State Equestrian Centre
'The Clelands'. Centre Fran Cleland - cheif organiser of the Barastoc Horse of the
Year Committee. Fran spent the three days of the competition racing from one place
to another with microphone in hand, much of the time with one or both of her 'favourite'
grandaughters with her.
On the left is Amy - who rode a fantastic round in the Working Hunter Class to gain the
vote from the panel of judges, to take out the blue. And right is little Jessica,
who was nodding off to sleep at the table - oh to be that young!
Working Hunter judge
Jenny Sheppherd
with living legend
Bill Roycroft
a couple of the dozens (and dozens) of ground crew that made the show such a great
Lyn Milburn and Murray Wheatley compare notes about the days events over a cup of coffee
Wheatley - mounted steward did a wonderful job over the three days (as did all of the
mounted and unmounted stewards)
is riding Jewell (1/8 Clydie/ 1/4 Percheron) the daughter of his famous
coloured horse Jilla.
Simon Kale can brighten up any event, and he added sparkle, fun and his special judging
talent to the 2001 show.
Sarah - Champion Harness Horse
is absolutely spectacular, owned and driven by Jenny Kee.
Julie Conte - who put a lot of work into 'saving' the Warmblood classes at Barastoc HOTY
She also worked all day as the ring steward
Champ - One day off the racetrack and part of the Greyhound Adoption Program - great idea
to give these lovely creatures a second chance.
Barastoc has something for everyone ! Sabrina Kempler and her two dogs Harley on the left
and Cody on the right loved every minute of this years event.
Rosy and Tiara the boxer pups owned by Lisa Brillanti and Corrine Newman
were only inerested in the fun dogs can have at a show like Barastoc.
Brickwood Hill Exquisite Lady
just 13 weeks old and waiting to appear with her mum in the Miniature Horse Classes.
Vancouver Park Max gave me a look that said, Me!
Me! Me!
So I obliged ... and took
his picture
He was third in the Australian Pony Stallion 12.2 and under class.
Queensland Judge Carmel Perkins
thought the quality of exhibits was truly excellent.